Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Breaking through the shackles of Generation Gap.

'What we call a generation gap,  is basically a result of interaction gap'.

My Father is from the 50s, my Mother is from the 60s, I am from the 80s and my Sibling is from the 90s. As a family we are from the 21st century and grow with times, change with times and adapt with the times.

So, ladies and gentlemen, that's the story of my household, a close knit family of 4 where there has never been a generation gap.

I was born and schooled in a small town,  Agra. A small town has its own hassles of 'Small Town Thinking'  where anything breaking the trend is considered 'haw',  a raised eyebrow here, a grapevine gossip there. My parents did raise multiple eyebrows in their own individual lives. Father on his own terms went to London for higher education, Mother, quite to the dismay of the people around, continued her profession of being an Academician and completed her PhD whilst carrying the Sibling in her womb. She taught for 23 years and eventually joined the Father in the business. Parents have been quite 'the odds' in their own lives.

When it came to us, the Sibling and I, there were rules, which if forbade had repercussions involved. Mother did not spare the rod and spoil the child. Grades, extra curricular activities and discipline were critically important. Father bend the rules though. He has been an easy cookie. He has been the 'Santa' who never judged on 'Whether you have been good or not in the past year'. But one rule , both the parents followed to the tee was 'discussions' . For the longest time and even today, 'Let's discuss' is an internal joke in the family. Little did we realise that the 'Let's discuss' time unknowingly assimilated the thought process of 2 generation.

I was inappropriately touched as child. When I told my Mother about it, Mother beat the shit out of the offender and father next day itself made me join self defence classes. Not even once was I told to skip 'playing time' or refrain from going out in the dark. I was told to be careful not scared. I was educated by both the parents about good touch and bad touch.

When I reached puberty and started my period, my mother educated me about the female anatomy, the uterus, the period cycle and sanitary conditions. Period is called a Period in my family.

Decisions about careers has been an individual choice, administered by the Parents. They have stood by our choices but have not taken the brunt for our mistakes. College meant a stipulated pocket money and going beyond it was not even an option. The financial and social status of parents was not passed to us in legacy, it was to be earned.

So our upbringing was quite a contrast from the upper middle business class family. Reading, discussions and personality development were given importance which meant that missing  weddings, family get togethers etc. were acceptable.

But then, first I and then the Sibling left the nest, for college and then careers. We came back just for vacations and festivals. There was a gap in the thought process between the generations that we witnessed. At that point, there was a conscious decision that the Sibling and I took- that of of role reversal in responsibilities. It is true that the new generation can not digress back to the times of the older generation but it is the responsibility of the new generation to hold hands of the older generation and bring them, at their own pace, at par with the new generation.

So we started spending extending weekends with the parents, started introducing them to our lifestyles, to our choices, to our thought process. I am not saying that the alignment happened smoothly ; we were impatient and they were sometimes rigid. But my parents own inclination for reason and logic was a catalyst. They agreed to try new things, many a times it suited their being and sometimes it didn't. They loved staying in Airbnb Accommodation and Oyo Rooms, they are little nosy about Hostels. They are votaries of the new generation's addiction to experiences and not for materialistic possession (though their plants obsession and home decor collection still stands tall).

There have been few awkward moments as well. The parents insisted on seeing Game of Thrones. We persistently told them that they wouldn't like it but they were adamant. So GOT, Season 1, Episode 1. First 10 minutes into it and... 'What is this Pornography?' In the other instance,  Mother insisted on seeing a Rave whilst we were holidaying in Venice. It wasn't actually a Venice but had all the elements of a Rave. It was indeed hilarious how Mother tried to reason out with Stoners. So yeah, this alignment between the generations has been notorious as well.

But on a serious note, due to more interaction, each of our individual goals became family goals. We all club our energies together for their fulfilment. Each of our life dreams has a nod from each one of us and this multiples the energy by 4 for efforts put in. But all this comes with a caveat, of taking responsibility of our actions, of our choices.

Who decides anyway what makes to generation rules! Clinging to the age old beliefs and not making way for the new ways is not only detrimental to the family but to the nation. The new generation needs the experience of the older generation for making the most out of the new practices.